Bellsaurus :)

Welcome to my blog a.k.a my public diary. Sharing my activities n my experiences are two from few ways i can express my feelings. Mind me if my language are not so good. I'm still learning how to improve. help me ;) love me b with me, hate me, i dun give u a shit, so move ur asses :) i love my family and friends. and not to forget my Mr Boyfie, Muhammad Akmal Abdul Talib.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fresh Environment

Well i did miss u lot. my best friend. out of sudden i just recall back our memory that we've been through since v was younger. How do we bumped each other, how i got to know ur name. lot of thing that we shared together. tears laughter joyful. how much that u care for me, ur time that u've spent to me just to listen to this little kid stories even though when u r busy n sometimes when u sleeping aite ? the overnight at my place, the advises, the foods the hangout n lot lah babe!!! u seems like my biological sister. even though u r not same race as mine, but u noe me better n understand me better than everyone. with all ur patient, this relation that we have growth stronger. i without any hesitate admitted that it is hard to understand me. well someone told me that i am a complicated and unpredictable because my mood r easily swing here n there. :D but i'm glad that u still here stand and hold my hand and never let me go. i never thought that this 10 years friendship bring us more closer n i'm so thankful that i have u n i'll never regret to know a person like u, Yew Eleena Sue. how i miss u so much ;(
Me love u best friend
-with love-

Friday, October 22, 2010

Typical people

Well, nowadays, there r so many busybody people who loves to talk and create stories. yea. that is what happening to me. so pathetic them. i dunnu what they can get by doing that to me. maybe some1 paid them. well, if that make them happy. but i believes that KARMA always here and GOD knows what is happening every second. So, maybe my mistakes cz entertain those LOSER game. i should b positive. yea. POSITIVE. n something made me realized. i have friends who always stand for me. b with me n know me. they dun judge me by my appearance, attitude and level. they judge me from my inside. i also have my Boyfie, who i thought he's being unfair with me, but after few hours i think bout wht he had told me, it is true. just b patient n i have to move on. i'm lucky cz i have u. :)  not to forget, my Mama, she always knows when her princess need her so badly. she comfort me well. thanks for ring me up Mama. So, do i have any reason to b sad now? nahhh. n one more thing, DO NOT jump into conclusion before u know the real story. to all PERFECT people, i wanna tell u, everything that u have now, it wont last long. if u want to know the real story, come as a MATURED n GROWN UP person like u always said since i am a little kid here. n if u want, i can get mirrors for u people. i think u NEED it extra more than badly. and THANKS for all those perfect SARCASTIC WORDS and STORIES that u people made. 

-with love-

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do i deserve all this?

i dunnu where's the mistakes. but y these bullshit keep happening to me? y must people hate me, but they doesn't noe me well? y they always punished me even though they doesn't noe for what reason they did that. y me? i cant do anything but have to face it with full of patient. but until when they keep do this to me? i need a hero to protect me. make me feel secure in every situation.

ya ALLAH, ampunkan la dosa2 org yg telah menganayiai ku, buka kan la pintu hati mereka. berikanlah mereka petunjuk.. hanya kepadamu ku meminta, hanya kepadamu ku bersujud.. sesungguhnya kau maha mengetahui segalanya ya ALLAH, jauhi la diriku daripada segala bencana yg tidak di ingini..amin 

-with love-

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Fall in love with this movie. she's pretty gorgeous beautiful woman. wanna watch it again n again. how? & wanna get the book n re-read it again n again. For sure after my final exam :)
-with love-

Insomnia ;(

studying till late nite all alone in my room at the hostel. didn't have my lunch, tea n dinner yesterday. just ate little bit biscuits and drink chocolate drink till late nite. hungry okay. ;( and fall asleep after that. n again. bad dreams. but i couldn't remember what was it. slept right under the fan, but i am sweating. i can't move my body for few minutes. feel something not right. when i woke up, i have no energy to hold my phone, n it seems my view r spinning. i had it for few times. it make me insane sometimes. i am all alone when this thing happen. again n again. i hate it so badly.
I miss u ;(

-with love-

Boredom early in the morning!

good morning sayang ;)
yey! i am alone now. ;( i miss u already sweetheart. wish that u r here. spend time like we usually used.
p/s : i love u. :)

Done :)

I just completed something to give it to him. i hope that he'll like it. because that is what i can do for him. takes time to do it actually. but i am happy when i did it. because i never did it to anyone before. My FIRST time okay. 
p/s: i hope u'll like it when u get it.. promise me that u will read every page of it okay :)

i love you!
Muhammad Akmal

A new chapter.

Dear. please make this as our new chapter. very new. it is enough with what v have been through. i need u to b my shelter, i need u. yes i need u. y? because i love u. SO MUCH. i tried to avoid those feeling. but it came more deeply. i hurt myself, i lied myself. so dear, i can't bear to b like this anymore. please. bring something for our relation. create something for this relation. prove it to ( u noe who) that u can b responsible toward me. i'll better person for u. i want to be ur woman. n i want u to be my man. i have no specific reason y i do really love u so much, but people told me that, that is the stronger love which will stand long. please make it come true. stop all the tears from falling down. help me to be a better person n i will do the same. 
Muhammad Akmal.
 Thank You :)
-with love-

Updating :)

wow! hey. i am back people. yea! i am back! so what's new?
okay, bit busy with my stuff. event for my ccp2 project PARTY went to NSTP with lecturer and friends listen to the talk by the editor and dunnu who else shopping hangout n lot. wow! quite big waste of time huh? but currently i'm studying for my final. FINAL for this semester.
yes abah, i'll do my best. n i wont ever let u down. yea, i never let u down since i'm in college aite? my result make u better. yes abah. 3.2 wasn't enough aite? so yeaah! i'll get more better than this okay :) i noe i can do it this time. bcz this is my path for my success. I LOVE U ABAH. 
u always b my hero. i noe that sometimes i have disappoint u with my attitude. u noe what i mean. just it takes time abah. i am not ready for all those stuff. i promise to u n i pledge to u that i will manage to take care of myself here when i am not under ur roof. i just need u to pray for my safety and my success. okay. being strict at the certain thing, u mold me to b like what i am now.  Not to forget my queen of my heart, Mama. i won't let u down too. i know that u always here for me indirectly. i noe that u noe what is going on with me. Thanks cz u never let me down n always give me chances to move on. Thanks Mama. I LOVE U MAMA. what else? i think i have much to say. so people, just give me time to let it out. i'll keep updating this okay. that's all for now.
-love always-
My Hero n My Queen of my Heart. :)
Shahidan Ahmad & Ruslinawati Sulaiman

Friday, August 13, 2010

Fly me..

Now, i do really love u. yes! i am sure that i am totally fall in love with u. after been through all those sad happy joy laughter n tears.
 After for so many time i have fallen, almost giving up with this relation. those attitudes really kills me. there are many unspoken things that i wanted to shared it with u.
 but i couldn't say it. because i only seek for love happiness n loyalty from u. i want to be pampered by u. i want to fly our journey together.

so darling,
do fly with me again. b my forever wings.
fly me all over the world. i just want u to do that with me.
cause only with u, i c myself. cause only with u, i am me now.
n for the very strong reason. i only have u to guide me now and in the future.
maybe u can see that there's million of people who can be the best for me.
but i only see YOU.
Darling. please make this relation work from now onward.
cause the only wish that i really want is u to be my man who can lead me. 

Muhammad Akmal,
no doubt.. i do really LOVE U SO MUCH.
i have no specific reason for loving u darling. 
Because i have no limit for loving u sweetheart....
-with love-