Bellsaurus :)

Welcome to my blog a.k.a my public diary. Sharing my activities n my experiences are two from few ways i can express my feelings. Mind me if my language are not so good. I'm still learning how to improve. help me ;) love me b with me, hate me, i dun give u a shit, so move ur asses :) i love my family and friends. and not to forget my Mr Boyfie, Muhammad Akmal Abdul Talib.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do i deserve all this?

i dunnu where's the mistakes. but y these bullshit keep happening to me? y must people hate me, but they doesn't noe me well? y they always punished me even though they doesn't noe for what reason they did that. y me? i cant do anything but have to face it with full of patient. but until when they keep do this to me? i need a hero to protect me. make me feel secure in every situation.

ya ALLAH, ampunkan la dosa2 org yg telah menganayiai ku, buka kan la pintu hati mereka. berikanlah mereka petunjuk.. hanya kepadamu ku meminta, hanya kepadamu ku bersujud.. sesungguhnya kau maha mengetahui segalanya ya ALLAH, jauhi la diriku daripada segala bencana yg tidak di ingini..amin 

-with love-

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