I really mean it. i noe i was wrong. i hurt u badly.
but please.. i need u.. MUHAMMAD AKMAL..
u r my everything. u r the person that i need the most.
i rather to b scold shouted by u. but please dun keep urself quiet.
I hope u didn't hate me.
i HOPE that u still love me like u always said.
PLEASE.... now i'm begging u..
give me a chance.... i dun wanna lose u...
i keep thinking bout u. those pics.
our memories together.
i rather die from losing u.
u r not a bad boyfie to me. u noe u change me lot.
u make me realized bout so many thing.
what else should i do for u MUHAMMAD AKMAL?
i just want u.. ur love.. ur attention.. ur everything..
because u r my EVERYTHING.
From the very bottom of my heart.
u r the only one that shine my life.
u r the only person that i LOVE.
u r the person who taught me lot bout RESPECT others.
u r the person u taught me how to FORGIVE people.
u r the person who make me be a better girl.
n there's lot more. i can't list it.
From the very bottom of my heart.
u r the only one that shine my life.
u r the only person that i LOVE.
u r the person who taught me lot bout RESPECT others.
u r the person u taught me how to FORGIVE people.
u r the person who make me be a better girl.
n there's lot more. i can't list it.
baby... think positively please! thts all what i can tell u cuz im nt bside right now!love!